Notes from the Director of Music

Music at Bury Parish Church

One of the questions that have been raised by many is, ‘when can we have music in our church and sing again?’

Some very careful research is being carried out at the moment, and we hope that there may be a report on that by the end of August. Government and Church of England guidance will then be updated in the light of that research.

Present guidance allows for an organist/pianist and cantor (solo singer) for our worship.

Our Parish Council have agreed that they would like some form of music at our 10.00am service, and that our organ is played publicly for worship. I must warn you that the organ has not been tuned in recent months, and some odd notes (or sounds) might emit from the organ chamber. This means that Elin and I are coming partially coming out of furlough and will be playing on alternate Sundays.

A number of music organisations has encouraged the Government to be proactive in ensuring music-making can resume in church buildings, once it is safe to do so. The latest guidance shows that the Government is still reviewing scientific evidence on how music and particularly singing can be resumed safely.

Responding to the latest guidance, The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, said:

"We know that for church musicians this remains a difficult time, and many are anxious to know the date it will be possible to sing and play together again. We are encouraging the Government to be alert to the consequences of our choirs’ continued silence - and to take a proactive approach to allowing singing to return to our churches and cathedrals as soon as it is possible to do so safely. This way we can safeguard our choral tradition which many believe to be the finest in the world. We look forward to a time where worship and music can once again be combined, in all their different expressions, as they have for centuries, turning our hearts to God.”

Our plan is to explore various ways of broadening our musical offering over the next few weeks and month, which will include music before, during and after our service. On some Sundays, a member of the choir will sing parts of the service from the choir stalls, keeping the required distance from the congregation. Music will include Mass settings by Merbecke and Martin Shaw.

I know we are all looking forward to that day when we shall be able to listen to our choir and join with them in the singing of the great hymns and worship songs of the church.