The Revd Dr Sheila Beattie; Ordination

Sheila, our Curate, is to be ordained priest by Bishop David on 22 June at Manchester Cathedral. Sheila will preside at the Eucharist for the first time at St Mary the Virgin, Bury, at 10.30am on Sunday 23 June. This will be followed by a “Jacob’s Feast” Bring and Share lunch in the Blackburne Hall. Can we encourage all readers of this to come along to the Sunday service and stay for lunch? It would be wonderful if as many as possible can join Sheila on this day.

And a note about the ordination. There will be fewer tickets available for each candidate being ordained. Sheila would like to provide for all but that, clearly, is not possible! She will approach a number of people with the opportunity to attend. Please do not be offended if you are not asked. What we do ask you to do is to come to her first Eucharist.