Holy Week and Easter

From a quiet time for thought and prayer to the singing of the Fauré Requiem, there's something for everyone this week.

If you want to meet new people and enjoy a quiet time, come to our Seder Meal Supper and/or share communion with us as we remember Jesus's final meal with his friends and also remembering his betrayal.

If you enjoy singing, or equally if you enjoy listening, then come and join the choir on Good Friday for our Come and Sing, culminating with  a Come and Listen in the evening to hear what the choir has achieved.

Easter Sunday is a day of joy and happiness, and the sign of new life and new beginnings. It is a time for everyone to come together and rejoice in the risen Lord. If you're new to church life, looking for somewhere new to worship or whatever reason you have, Easter Sunday would be a brilliant time to join in with the festivities and find your faith in Christ.

There are many more things occurring this week. For further details, visit our Easter pages