The phrase 2020 Vision is often used to describe what it is like to see perfectly. Those who know about eyes would say that this is not precisely the case.
From Story Telling for children and Book Club for adults to Christingle making and Christmas Dinner. Have a read what’s going on at Bury Parish Church during the busy month of December!
Advent Calendars. I hope you have yours if you are an Advent Calendar person. There is something rather special about opening those doors, seeing what images appear.
This new venture is aimed at young children and their families. Families whose children have been baptised at Bury Parish Church and any young children with an adult, whether they be parents, grandparents, God parents or other family friends, will be very welcome.
My name is Hannah and I am from Westhoughton, where I have lived for most of my life apart from when I was away studying at University in Keele. I live with my husband, Dean and our Sealyham Terrier, Oscar.
Among the various articles in this month’s edition of the Magazine, you will find one by Hannah Lane. Hannah is an ordinand, a candidate for the priesthood
Firstly, I would like to thank all 64 people who came and supported our Afternoon Tea event and a special thanks to the Committee for the good team work in the preparation behind the scenes.