As usual our year begins with the AGM on the 7th February. Please note the meeting begins at 7.30pm. No Holy Communion Service prior to the meeting. A light supper will be served following the meeting.
Already this year has a strange feel to it, you might say. Changes in leadership and direction; established institutions on the brink of fragmenting and an underlying sense of unease - where will we all end up?
Peter Stevens, ex Organist at Bury Parish Church returns for a Lunchtime Recital on 30th December at 12:30pm. Tickets are just £5 and you can buy them on the door.
Come along to the church this lunch time and lose yourself in the delightful sounds of Christmas.
The concert begins at 12.30pm. Tickets for the concert are £5* and are available on the door. You can join us at 11:30 for soup and a roll if you would like some lunch before the concert.
If you feel like Christmas is getting a bit too much, or you're just wanting to catch your breath before the commute home, pop into church on a Wednesday evening as the shops close and take as long as you want to sit, pause and pray.
As you all know, this is the last of these Magazine letters that I shall write to you. I today signed my deed of Resignation as Incumbent of this wonderful parish, to take effect from mid-January,
Rett Syndrome is a neurological condition which most often strikes previously healthy little girls between their first and second birthday and leaves them with multiple disabilities and medical complexities for life.
Firstly, I must thank the Rector and his team for the lovely Festival service hosted at our Church in October. Also thanks to members who helped in an official capacity and all who attended the service
Rehearsals from 3pm, Concert at 7pm. Cost £7 per participant (under 18’s £3.50) from 3pm which covers music hire, tuition and light refreshments. Admission for concert £5 (under 18’s free)
Urban Outreach is a Christian charity providing a person-centred approach to support the most disadvantaged, vulnerable and complex adults and young people in Bolton.
...The Deanery Festival is to be held on Monday 3rd October @ 7.30pm in the Parish Church and following the service refreshments will be served in the Blackburne Hall...
To start the new season of Friday Lunchtime Concerts, we have Elin Rees and Simon Passmore (Piano Duets). Join us tomorrow, at 12:30pm for just £5 entry